Time to Reflect
De Engbertsdijksvenen worden teruggebracht naar hun oude natte toestand. Op allerlei plaatsen stroomt of borrelt nu water op.
Foto informatie
Categorie(ën): | Natuur & Landschap |
Datum genomen: | zaterdag, maart 20, 2021 - 11:18 |
Datum geupload: | donderdag, april 1, 2021 - 11:16 |
Camera: | NIKON D750 |
Sluitertijd: | 1/320 |
ISO: | 250 |
Diafragma: | f/10.0 |
FileDateTime: | 0 |
FileSize: | 3206094 |
FileType: | 2 |
MimeType: | image/jpeg |
SectionsFound: | ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF |
ImageWidth: | 4266 |
ImageLength: | 2848 |
PhotometricInterpretation: | 2 |
Model: | NIKON D750 |
Orientation: | 1 |
SamplesPerPixel: | 3 |
XResolution: | 2400000/10000 |
YResolution: | 2400000/10000 |
ResolutionUnit: | 2 |
Software: | Adobe Photoshop 22.3 (Windows) |
DateTime: | 2021:04:01 11:12:34 |
Artist: | Herman Hanekamp |
Exif_IFD_Pointer: | 312 |
ExposureTime: | 1/320 |
FNumber: | 10/1 |
ExposureProgram: | 3 |
ISOSpeedRatings: | 250 |
ExifVersion: | 0231 |
DateTimeOriginal: | 2021:03:20 11:18:52 |
DateTimeDigitized: | 2021:03:20 11:18:52 |
ShutterSpeedValue: | 8321928/1000000 |
ApertureValue: | 6643856/1000000 |
ExposureBiasValue: | -2147483647/1610612687 |
MaxApertureValue: | 4/1 |
MeteringMode: | 2 |
LightSource: | 0 |
Flash: | 16 |
FocalLength: | 35/1 |
SubSecTimeOriginal: | 48 |
SubSecTimeDigitized: | 48 |
ColorSpace: | 65535 |
ExifImageWidth: | 4266 |
ExifImageLength: | 2848 |
FocalPlaneXResolution: | 4294967295/2564136 |
FocalPlaneYResolution: | 4294967295/2564136 |
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: | 3 |
SensingMethod: | 2 |
CustomRendered: | 0 |
ExposureMode: | 0 |
WhiteBalance: | 0 |
DigitalZoomRatio: | 1/1 |
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: | 35 |
SceneCaptureType: | 1 |
GainControl: | 0 |
Contrast: | 0 |
Saturation: | 0 |
Sharpness: | 0 |
SubjectDistanceRange: | 0 |