Little boat Isle of Skye

Little boat Isle of Skye

Foto informatie

Categorie(ën): Natuur & Landschap
Datum genomen: donderdag, juli 27, 2006 - 21:48
Datum geupload: maandag, december 10, 2012 - 21:47
Camera: Canon PowerShot G3
Sluitertijd: 1/320
Diafragma: f/5.6
FileDateTime: 0
FileSize: 2241250
FileType: 2
MimeType: image/jpeg
Make: Canon
Model: Canon PowerShot G3
Orientation: 1
XResolution: 3138311/10000
YResolution: 3138311/10000
ResolutionUnit: 2
Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows
DateTime: 2012:12:10 19:18:03
YCbCrPositioning: 1
Exif_IFD_Pointer: 232
ExposureTime: 1/320
FNumber: 56/10
ExifVersion: 0220
DateTimeOriginal: 2006:07:27 21:48:51
DateTimeDigitized: 2006:07:27 21:48:51
CompressedBitsPerPixel: 3/1
ShutterSpeedValue: 266/32
ApertureValue: 159/32
ExposureBiasValue: 0/3
MaxApertureValue: 64/32
MeteringMode: 5
Flash: 16
FocalLength: 230/32
FlashPixVersion: 0100
ColorSpace: 1
ExifImageWidth: 2224
ExifImageLength: 1606
InteroperabilityOffset: 992
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FocalPlaneYResolution: 1704000/210
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: 2
SensingMethod: 2
CustomRendered: 0
ExposureMode: 0
WhiteBalance: 0
DigitalZoomRatio: 2272/2272
SceneCaptureType: 1
InterOperabilityIndex: R98
InterOperabilityVersion: 0100
RelatedImageWidth: 2272
RelatedImageHeight: 1704