the Guitarist

the Guitarist

Foto informatie

Datum genomen: dinsdag, september 15, 2009 - 22:11
Datum geupload: donderdag, januari 7, 2010 - 16:42
Camera: NIKON D700
Sluitertijd: 1/160
ISO: 100
Diafragma: f/1.8
Copyright: Marc Vanraes
FileDateTime: 0
FileSize: 48216
FileType: 2
MimeType: image/jpeg
SectionsFound: ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
PhotometricInterpretation: 2
Model: NIKON D700
Orientation: 1
XResolution: 72/1
YResolution: 72/1
ResolutionUnit: 2
Software: Aperture BorderFX
DateTime: 2009:09:15 22:11:17
Copyright: Marc Vanraes
Exif_IFD_Pointer: 242
ExposureTime: 1/160
FNumber: 9/5
ExposureProgram: 1
ISOSpeedRatings: 100
DateTimeOriginal: 2009:09:15 22:11:17
DateTimeDigitized: 2009:09:15 22:11:17
ExposureBiasValue: -1/3
MaxApertureValue: 1/1
MeteringMode: 5
LightSource: 3
Flash: 0
FocalLength: 50/1
UserComment: ASCII
SubSecTime: 58
SubSecTimeOriginal: 58
SubSecTimeDigitized: 58
ColorSpace: 1
ExifImageWidth: 800
ExifImageLength: 538
SensingMethod: 2
CustomRendered: 0
ExposureMode: 1
WhiteBalance: 1
DigitalZoomRatio: 1/1
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 50
SceneCaptureType: 0
GainControl: 0
Contrast: 0
Saturation: 2
Sharpness: 2
SubjectDistanceRange: 0